What are the criteria for selecting stretch film?


stretch film

What are the criteria for selecting stretch film?

Stretch film is very convenient to use, with low cost and high efficiency. It is very popular in the packaging industry. Now there are more and more stretch film manufacturers on the market. How to choose stretch film, what is its standard, and what is it? High-quality stretch film products? What standards does it need to meet? Today, Zhiteng stretch film manufacturers will share with you.

First, look at the transparency and gloss. A high-quality stretched film has good transparency and good gloss. When observed under the sun, it does not contain too many impurities and is relatively clean;

Second, express shrinkage capacity, high-quality stretch film, when it passes through the thermal stretch film packaging machine, its shrinking ability is fast but the quality is poor, it will not shrink well, or it will have to go through two to three times of thermal stretch film Only the machine can complete the shrinking process.

Third, the tightness. Many times we will encounter the stretch film when it passes through the thermal stretch film packaging machine, it will break, or the more wrinkled, or small holes, this is the embodiment of the tightness; the sealing of high-quality stretch film The performance is very good. After the heat shrinking process is completed, it is very beautiful and truly achieves the shrinking effect we want.

Fourth, puncture resistance, that is to say, the stretch film plays the protective role we want during the transportation of the product. The high-quality stretch film has high puncture resistance and will not be easily punctured.

Fifth, the shrinking memory function is strong, and the shrinking tightness is good. This is reflected in the protection of the product when the whole product and parts are shrink-wrapped, and will not cause confusion or uncompleted packaging. This is the same as the second point. There are similarities.



The difference between machine stretch film and hand stretch